Third story about to be published!!!!
You can’t play Charlie Farley! is in the print stage and it is hoped to be published on March 7th, one year almost exactly after Oh No Charlie Farley!
You can’t play Charlie Farley! is in the print stage and it is hoped to be published on March 7th, one year almost exactly after Oh No Charlie Farley!
Featuring Charlie Farley and Jasper again and written in rhyme again, of course. This time the theme is one that is dear to my heart, that of knowing that you don’t have to ‘fit in’ to group expectations to have good friends, rather to be yourself and look out for others who need a friend.
Monika has illustrated the story beautifully and it is superbly published by Boz Publications again.
The books will be available to buy on this website and on Boz’s website.
Up next a visit to Little Acorns
Really looking forward to reading stories and selling my books to Little Acorns in Cobham, Surrey in March 2022. I was a Leader at St Andrew’s school and was there when the Nursery was created in its grounds. Lots of liaison between us as I was Early Years Leader for many years at the school. Feels like coming home visiting them and Young Explorers!!
Wonderful visit to Young Explorers
I had a wonderful visit to Young Explorers in December, it was great to read to children again in person after the isolation of the pandemic and SO special to read MY books back on the site of St Andrew’s School where I spent many happy years there as a teacher and leader. I was a leader there when the Nursery was established. Lovely response to the books and warm welcome from the Staff; all in all a very worthwhile visit. Thank you Sue and staff.
Storytelling in Young Explorers Nursery tomorrow!
I’m looking forward to doing a Storytelling tomorrow in Young Explorers Nursery in Cobham, Surrey tomorrow! Not least as I was in EYFS leadership at the school when the Nursery first began!
Book signing - Parkside School
Come and see me at Parkside School’s Christmas Extravaganza in Cobham to buy books and get them signed by me this Saturday 13th November! I’m SO pleased to support my daughter’s (Anne Nkosi) school!
‘Don’t be scared Charlie Farley!’ is here!
So pleased to announce that our second Charlie Farley book is available to buy on my website. Superb illustrations again by Monika Dzikowicz, published by Boz Publications. Please share on social media or amongst friends and family. Theme is finding courage to face things we are afraid. Wonderful Christmas or Birthday present for children at heart big or small!
Read about my virtual school visit!
On 1st July I paid a Virtual visit to Salterforth Primary in Lancashire. Read all about it and see the photos and lovely reviews by clicking on the button below.
My grateful thanks to Helena Dunsdon, the Head teacher who organised it all in such a way that it was a joy to visit her lovely school and talk about being an Author!
It was the first school in Lancashire to get the Lancashire Equality Mark, so was extra special to present about my book ‘Oh No Charlie Farley!’ which teaches children that they are all special and unique in their own way.
Congratulations to the winners of the competition I set the school; Billy who wrote the winning story and Amelia who drew the best picture of Charlie Farley and Jasper. They both won because they showed they had really thought hard about the story and showing what Charlie and Jasper were really like. They will receive a copy of Oh No Charlie Farley as prizes, both signed and a message from me.
Favourite bedtime story!
This little child’s mummy sent me this photo today saying it is their favourite book and they read it most nights before bed! So encouraging! Looks like the Doodle likes it too!
Nearly here!! 2nd book!!
Illustrations complete! Next stop Publishing and Printing!!
The illustrations by Monika Dzikowicz are incredible!! I think this book will be even better than the first, although my first book will always be special!
Keep watching this website for first sight of the cover and the news that it IS available for sale!!!
What a wonderful school!
Salterforth School, Lancs
Their Library display is all about ‘Oh No Charlie Farley!’ after my virtual author visit last week. We had a great time together; watch this space for some fab pics and the results of a competition that I set them to write a story or draw a picture of Charlie Farley and Jasper!
Can’t wait to do a virtual school visit on 1st July!!
Salterforth School, Lancashire
I am so looking forward to meeting the children in Salterforth School on Thursday morning; I’ve heard it’s a very special school and I can’t wait to meet them and their teachers and Head teacher.
Another satisfied customer!
Her daddy says that she loves reading this every night.
She especially likes saying ‘OH YES Charlie Farley!’ Let’s hope the story helps her to believe that she is special and unique as she grows older!
Charlie Farley jumps into local magazine
‘Oh No Charlie Farley’ jumped into my local magazine without me knowing; hence a bit of poetic licence and a couple of typos! Trust Charlie to make mischief wherever he goes!!
Don’t be scared, Charlie Farley is on the way!!
Monika is working hard on illustrating the pages for DON’T BE SCARED, CHARLIE FARLEY! I think it is going to be an excellent book with an awesome theme of ‘finding courage to face our fears when it matters’.
Charlie Farley and Jasper have come to stay!
Day 1 Morning Snooze!
Charlie climbed in Jasper’s basket, so Jasper is in Charlie’s!
The 2nd Charlie Farley and Jasper book is on the way!!
I’m SO excited! Monika is working on illustrating my second book… DON’T BE SCARED, CHARLIE FARLEY! She’s such a talented artist…look at more of her work on
It was a busy Easter!
(If you’re thinking she needs a haircut!!
Can’t wait for my Hairdresser’s appointment!)
Love the photos and reviews!
Thank you to all who have done reviews or sent in photos recently, I’ve really loved receiving them.
You can see them in the Gallery and in Reviews . Please keep them coming. If I use photos with children reading the book, I can blur the faces if you wish or take a picture from behind the children. Would love to receive pictures of your Charlie Farley (mischief!) or Jasper (generally good as gold!) to post on the website. Message me privately on Messenger or by email
Reprint arrived!
First Print run sold out in 10 days!
Reprint has arrived: lots of lovely new books just in time for Easter!
Thank you!
My books are selling well and I have had many encouraging comments; it seems to be making quite an impression! I am so thrilled and so thankful to Monika for capturing the essence of what I wanted in the pictures for the story and to Andy at Boz Publications for his part in creating a book of such high quality. Check out their websites too: