Third story about to be published!!!!
You can’t play Charlie Farley! is in the print stage and it is hoped to be published on March 7th, one year almost exactly after Oh No Charlie Farley!
You can’t play Charlie Farley! is in the print stage and it is hoped to be published on March 7th, one year almost exactly after Oh No Charlie Farley!
Featuring Charlie Farley and Jasper again and written in rhyme again, of course. This time the theme is one that is dear to my heart, that of knowing that you don’t have to ‘fit in’ to group expectations to have good friends, rather to be yourself and look out for others who need a friend.
Monika has illustrated the story beautifully and it is superbly published by Boz Publications again.
The books will be available to buy on this website and on Boz’s website.