Elaine Slade Elaine Slade

VERY useful Resources

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Using my skills from teaching, I have put together a VERY useful Activity Guide and Questions whilst you read the book for Parents and Teachers out there who want to explore the ‘every child is unique’ with their children.

I would have loved this to be available when I was teaching; half my work done for me!!

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Elaine Slade Elaine Slade

Press Release ready!

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The Press Release is ready for my new book ‘Oh No Charlie Farley'!’, check it out under ‘Book’ tab.

We’re almost ready to launch it out there to my social media sites. Click on the icons at the top of the page to find out if it has launched!

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Elaine Slade Elaine Slade

So excited!

A childhood dream come true!

SO excited to introduce you to my new book ‘Oh No Charlie Farley’ which follows a theme close to my heart, that every child will grow up knowing they have something special to give to the world and that they are unique.

A childhood dream come true!

SO excited to introduce you to my new book ‘Oh No Charlie Farley’ which follows a theme close to my heart, that every child will grow up knowing they have something special to give to the world and that they are unique. Many of us live our lives trying to be like someone else, when instead we need to look inside to discover the very thing that we can offer, which makes US special and the world a better place when we harness that unique value to serve others.

Also delighted to introduce you to the real life dogs, Charlie and Jasper who inspired this book and other stories to come.

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