Elaine’s visit to Young Explorers Nursery Visit

Venue: Young Explorers Cobham, Surrey

Audience: 2 to 4 year olds

Media: Short slideshow shown of the real Charlie Farley and Jasper

Length of session: 45 mins to all children

Content: Storytelling and Activity

  • Story telling of ‘Oh No Charlie Farley!’ with active participation from the children e.g. find the squirrel, shout ‘Oh No Char;ie Farley!’

  • Elaine asked questions about the story and then drew out the theme.

  • Activity - children had a copy of the photo frame page from the story which relates the theme to themselves. Children drew pictures of what they considered tthey were good at (at their level). Although they needed support to capture their thoughts in pictures, the discussion time after the story and during the activity with staff was invaluable.

  • Story telling of ‘Don’t be scared Charlie Farley!’, again active participation and questions posed and answered.

  • Impact: Classroom display, further discussion on each child being special and unique and what they can do well.

What Staff and Children said about my visit


Great fun to hear live from the Author

Elaine came onsite to our pre-school at Young Explorers @Cobham to read her books to the children. They thoroughly enjoyed listening to the adventures of Charlie and also the values and morals that are very sensitively hidden within the story. Everyone has something special about them.

Thank you Elaine from all of us at Young Explorers @Cobham

Sue Kearney


William Law CofE Primary School, Werrington, Peterborough