Elaine’s visit to St Matthew’s Downside, Surrey
VENUE: St Matthew’s Infant school, Downside, Surrey
AUDIENCE: YR, Y1 and Y2 in their classrooms
MEDIA: PowerPoint and updated video of real dogs on memory stick connected to classroom desktop and monitor
LENGTH of SESSIONS: 44 mins for YR and Y1, 1 hour for Y2
CONTENT: For each of YR Rabbits Class, Y1 Otters Class, Y2 Badgers Class ‘You Can’t Play Charlie Farley'!’
Why do we write stories and why I write stories?
PowerPoint giving visual cues to: the Team who produce my book - Photos of Author, Illustrator, Publisher
Video of the real dogs showing aspects of them that are related in the stories
Live storytelling of one of my books including questions before, during and after to explore the story and the theme.
Any questions for me?
Follow up activities to the story read, either paper-based or role play e.g Hot Seating
SCHOOL’S PREPARATION and SUPPORT agreed in return for no charge for visit:
A copy of each of Elaine’s published Charlie Farley books bought for the school
Agreed Activity sheets printed off for each class after discussion about content with Elaine
Email or Printed slip to take home with details of author’s visit with details about buying books at Home Time on the day. Elaine’s web site given so parents can have a look before the day.
Staff and Children reviews and photos sent to Elaine afterwards
Class/Corridor displays featured Charlie Farley stories.
What Staff and Children said about my visit
Rabbits Class were very excited to have the author Elaine Slade visit us during Book Week. After having completed already work in relation to her first book ‘Oh no, Charlie Farley’, Rabbits children were eager to hear another story of her. When listening to her book ‘You can’t play, Charlie Farley’, the children were able to relate to Charlie Farley and it turned into a great discussion about what a good friend is and how they could be a good friend.
EYFS teacher Mrs Selencky
Elaine Slade’s reading session was fun. The children engaged with her and enjoyed the story. The input before the reading was interesting and informative. The story and the activity set afterwards were age appropriate and allowed participation.
Year 1 teacher, Mrs Collard
The children in Year 2 were so excited to see Elaine again. They enjoyed reading several of her stories before her visit and couldn’t wait to hear one being read by Elaine herself! Elaine’s session was very engaging and the children thoroughly enjoyed watching the video of Charlie Farley and Jasper, before exploring the theme of friendship with Elaine. The activities generated high quality discussion and gave them great opportunities to empathise with the characters. Hotseating was particularly effective. We all learnt so much about the process of becoming an author and creating your own books too. We can’t wait for Elaine to come back to read us her next story!
Year 2 teacher, Mrs Koziol
We got to see Charlie Farley and Jaspar. Charlie Farley is always going in the water and getting muddy!
I enjoyed doing the work about what makes a good friend.
Reviews from EYFS children
I liked the story Elaine read, she is really nice. I like Charlie Farley.
Reviews from Y1 children
I enjoyed the activities about what makes a good friend and what doesn’t.
I liked the video of the real dogs and when Elaine read the story.
Reviews from Y2 children