Elaine’s visit to William Law CofE Primary School, Werrington, Peterborough
VENUE: William Law CofE Primary School, Werrington, Peterborough
AUDIENCE: Y1 in Assembly Hall (3 classes), EYFS and Y2 in their classrooms (3 classes in each year group!)
MEDIA: Video of real dogs and PowerPoint on memory stick connected to classroom desktop and monitor
LENGTH of SESSIONS: 40 - 45 mins for each class
CONTENT: For each of EYFS ( simpler version), and Y2 in Classrooms. Y1 similar but Follow-Up Activities when they went back to class, completed with their teacher.
Background to how I came to write stories starting from when I was their age!
Team work to produce a book - Author, Illustrator, Publisher
Y2 - the process of writing a story, showing my scribblings, communication between the Author and Illustrator as the pictures build up to the final version.
Video of the real dogs showing aspects of them that are related in the stories
Live story telling of one of my books including questions before, during and after to explore the story and the theme.
Any questions for me?
Follow up activities to the story read, either paper based or role play e.g Hot seating
SCHOOL’S PREPARATION and SUPPORT agreed in return for no charge for visit:
A copy of each of Elaine’s published Charlie Farley books bought for the school
Agreed Activity sheets printed off for each class after discussion about content with Elaine
Email letter to parents the week before, on the day as a reminder and after with details of author’s visit with details about pre-ordering books before visit or buying books at Home Time on the day. Elaine’s web site given so parents can have a look before or after the day. Tweets on Twitter throughout the day to Parents.
Staff and Children reviews and photos sent to Elaine afterwards
Class/Corridor displays featured Charlie Farley stories.
What the Staff and Children said about the visit!
Miss Byrne- Year 2 Teacher
What an amazing opportunity to be able to invite Elaine Slade a local author to visit us at William Law Primary School. The children were very excited to meet Elaine and were fascinated by her stories!
In Year 2 we loved hearing Elaine read her latest story – What is your Christmas gift Charley Farley?
Elaine had shared and prepared some great activities for the children and following reading her story she has inspired many of the children in Year 2 to become authors! A huge thank you!
Mr Richards- Year 2
It was a joy to have Elaine in school. My class kept talking about her visit for days after. They loved hearing her new story and always keep an eye out for her books on our visits to the library.
Miss Brown- Reception Teacher
It was a great experience for the children in EYFS. We love hearing stories but it was great to hear them told from a local author.
Reviews from Children
'Hannah Walton- Year 2
What an enjoyable day- we loved welcoming Elaine into school and what it takes to write a book!
Year 2- Children reviews:
· I want to be an author one day and write my own books!
· I have never met a real author before.
· I loved looking at the pictures in the book and watching the videos of the dogs.
· Wow what an amazing story!
Year 1- Children reviews:
· I loved spotting the squirrel in the books!
EYFS – Children reviews:
· I love Charley Farley
· I have a dog that plays in the mud!