Elaine’s visit to The Royal Kent School, Oxshott Surrey

Short film about the real Charlie Farley and Jasper

 VENUE: The Royal Kent School, Oxshott, Surrey

AUDIENCE: Nursery, YR, Y1 and Y2 in their classrooms

MEDIA: Video of real dogs on memory stick connected to classroom desktop and monitor

LENGTH of SESSIONS: 45 mins each class

CONTENT: For each of YR Bumblebees Class, Y1 Caterpillars Class, Y2 Butterflies Class, Ladybirds Nursery

  • Background to how I came to write stories starting from when I was their age!

  • Team work to produce a book - Author, Illustrator, Publisher

  • Video of the real dogs showing aspects of them that are related in the stories

  • Live story telling of one of my books including questions before, during and after to explore the story and the theme.

  • Any questions for me?

  • Follow up activities to the story read, either paper based or role play e.g Hot Seating

SCHOOL’S PREPARATION and SUPPORT agreed in return for no charge for visit:

  • A copy of each of Elaine’s published Charlie Farley books bought for the school

  • Agreed Activity sheets printed off for each class after discussion about content with Elaine

  • Email letter to parents the week before, on the day as a reminder and after with details of author’s visit with details about pre-ordering books before visit or buying books at Home Time on the day. Elaine’s web site given so parents can have a look before or after the day.

  • Staff and Children reviews and photos sent to Elaine afterwards

  • Competition held in each class i.e.artwork/stories/book cover - signed Charlie Farley book as Prizes

What the Staff and Children said about the visit!

Mrs Carter, Year R Teacher. 

Bumblebees (Reception Class) were very excited to have Elaine visit and share her books with them.  In preparation for the visit, we had read 'Oh No Charlie Farley!' and this gave us the opportunity to discuss themes around how we are all unique and special in different ways.  We also read 'Don't be scared Charlie Farley!' and this led us to thinking about how we can be brave and help our friends.  

When Elaine, our highly anticipated guest, arrived we were able to ask her questions about her process as an author and the children really enjoyed seeing the real dogs behind the stories on the screen.  Elaine read 'You can't play Charlie Farley', the children loved it.  We discussed what makes a good friend and how we can include others into our play.  Elaine had prepared some lovely activities and we were able to continue our learning linked to the books after she had left.  The children enjoyed drawing pictures of Charlie Farley and others were inspired to write stories about their own pets.  It was a fabulous addition to our 'well -being week' and Elaine expertly lead different sessions with both our Early Years and KS1 classes.

Reviews from Year R children: 

Vincent - 'I really love Charlie Farley and his brother Jasper too!'

Sammy - 'I love joining in with the books.'

Matilda - 'The books remind us about how we can be happy and help others.'

Mrs Patel, Year 2 Teacher

The Butterflies were intrigued to meet the author Elaine Slade. We had read the book 'Oh no Charley Farley' which they thoroughly enjoyed. It taught them about being an individual and that we all have great qualities.  

Elaine read another of her books which the class really enjoyed and they had some very insightful ideas and thoughts related to it. They enjoyed watching a short clip of the two dogs too, as this showed them where her ideas originated from. The Butterflies had many questions to ask Elaine, especially on how and why she became an author and how long it took to write the books. 

Elaine read some of the draft stories that the children had written which interested her too. At the end Elaine encouraged the children to be authors and to always believe in themselves.