Elaine’s visit to St Giles Infant school, Ashtead 27.2.23

Y1 Listening to ‘Oh No Charlie Farley!’

 VENUE: St Giles Infant School Ashtead

AUDIENCE: YR, Y1 and Y2 in their classrooms

MEDIA: PowerPoint and updated video of real dogs on memory stick connected to classroom desktop and monitor

LENGTH of SESSIONS: 1 hour for each class

CONTENT: For YR Owls Class ‘Oh No Charlie Farley!’, Y1 Sycamore Class ‘Oh No Charlie Farley!’, Y2 Rabbits Class ‘Don’t be scared Charlie Farley!’

  • Why do we write stories and why I write stories?

  • PowerPoint giving visual cues to: the Team who produce my book - Photos of Author, Illustrator, Publisher

  • Video of the real dogs showing aspects of them that are related in the stories

  • Live story telling of one of my books including questions before, during and after to explore the story and the theme.

  • Any questions for me?

  • Follow up activities to the story read, either paper based or role play e.g Hot Seating

SCHOOL’S PREPARATION and SUPPORT agreed in return for no charge for visit:

  • A copy of each of Elaine’s published Charlie Farley books bought for the school

  • Agreed Activity sheets printed off for each class after discussion about content with Elaine

  • Email or Printed slip to take home with details of author’s visit with details about pre-ordering books before hand and buying books at Home Time on the day. Elaine’s web site given so parents can have a look before the day.

  • Staff and Children reviews and photos sent to Elaine afterwards

What the Staff and Children said about the visit!

Y2 teacher Miss Board:

My class were extremely excited to meet and talk to a real-life author! They all had lots of questions they wanted to ask, which we prepared before our session. 

They all thoroughly enjoyed finding out about the Charlie Farley books, especially seeing the pictures of the real dogs from the story. They were engaged in their activities and loved getting the opportunity to ask Elaine their questions. 

Assistant Head Miss Mutch

Elaine's visit has been instrumental in sparking a love of writing stories with some of our most reluctant writers. Her visit was engaging and the children across all year groups were visibly excited to meet a real life author. Elaine's talk to the children brought the characters to life and it was a fantastic opportunity for the children to understand the process a writer goes through to produce a children's picture book.

Children’s Reviews


Zac and Carter said they really liked watching the videos of your dogs.

Oscar remembered you had written 5 books and were now writing a chapter book.

Charlie said he had asked a question, he wanted to know what it was like writing books.

Oher children said they had felt sad at the beginning of ‘You can’t Play Charlie Farley!’ byt then when he finds a puppy to play with they felt happy.

Year 1 –

Emily “I liked the Charlie Farley books because I liked Jasper and Charlie Farley.”

Louis – “I really liked it when we did the activity and we could say what made us special and I did a picture of me running.”

Poppy – “I liked the part of Charlie Farley book when we all had to say ‘Oh no Charlie Farley’.”

Amelia – I liked it when Elaine read the book, it was so happy.”

Isla – “I liked when Elaine turned into Charlie Farley and we could ask her questions. It was so funny.”

Harriet – I liked when we saw the video because the animations were really good they looked like the dogs.”

Theo – “My favourite part was when Elaine told us about Charlie. His fur was so thick and the brambles got stuck on it. I want to write a new story.”

Scott – “I liked when Elaine read us the story because I liked that we could all join in.”


Year 2 –

Arabella – “I liked when we did the activities about Elaine’s book.”

Mia – “I love that Elaine Slade came to our school.”

Freddie – “I liked seeing the real stars of the show.”

Chloe – “I think it was a blast! I loved how we got to see the real dogs. It was Amazing!”

Honey – I enjoyed when Elaine showed us the pictures of the real dogs.”

Flo – “I liked Elaine reading one of her books to us.”

Charlotte - “ I love that Elaine told us that loves being an author.”