Elaine’s visit to Polesden Lacey School, Surrey

Elaine reading to Y1

Don’t Be Scared Charlie Farley!

 VENUE: Polesden Lacey Infant school, Surrey

AUDIENCE: YR, Y1 and Y2 in their classrooms

MEDIA: Video of real dogs on memory stick connected to classroom desktop and monitor

LENGTH of SESSIONS: 45 mins YR, 1 hour Y1 and Y2

CONTENT: For each of YR Rabbits Class, Y1 Squirrels Class, Y2 Badgers Class

  • Why do we write stories and why I write stories?

  • Team work to produce a book - Author, Illustrator, Publisher

  • Video of the real dogs showing aspects of them that are related in the stories

  • Live story telling of one of my books including questions before, during and after to explore the story and the theme.

  • Any questions for me?

  • Follow up activities to the story read, either paper based or role play e.g Hot Seating

SCHOOL’S PREPARATION and SUPPORT agreed in return for no charge for visit:

  • A copy of each of Elaine’s published Charlie Farley books bought for the school

  • Agreed Activity sheets printed off for each class after discussion about content with Elaine

  • Email or Printed slip to take home with details of author’s visit with details about pre-ordering books before visit or buying books at Home Time on the day. Elaine’s web site given so parents can have a look before the day.

  • Staff and Children reviews and photos sent to Elaine afterwards

  • Competition announced - signed Charlie Farley book as Prize - Best picture or story of Charlie Farley and Jasper in funny situation

What the Staff and Children said about the visit!

Reviews by Class Teachers

We loved having Elaine Slade come to visit us! The children were mesmerised by her stories and enjoyed the activities they took part it! Many of the children were inspired to write their own stories with comments from parents saying their child now wants to be an author after Elaine's visit!

The children were able to reflect on the true meaning of the stories and spent time thinking about how they could be brave or support friends in need! It also reminded the children to be proud of who they are and their own unique skills - just like Charlie Farley!

Children’s comments -

I loved hearing the stories and seeing the dogs! They are so cute!

I know how to make sure I make my friends feel happy and safe and how I can be a good kind friend.

I want to be an author when I grow up just like Elaine, I've already written 5 books about my own dogs!